
Key Points:

  • Try doing one thing at a time, at a pace that feels comfortable and so that it doesn't make your concussion symptoms feel worse.
  • For any big task, do it in stages so that you’re not trying to complete it all at once.
  • It is okay if your symptoms worsen a little but take breaks before your symptoms become severe.
  • If your symptoms are very severe or not tolerable as you start to do more activity, this is a sign that you are pushing yourself too hard. Remember, you are still not hurting your brain. Your body is just telling you to take a break from what you are doing. Try modifying the task or taking a short break before resuming the activity.
  • Decide what tasks need to be done first and to choose the best time of the day to do them.

What is Pacing?

Pacing is a way to manage your energy and your symptoms.

Have you ever tried to cram for an exam or do a big assignment in one night? How about trying to go for a long or fast run when you haven’t exercised for a long time? How did you feel afterwards?

With pacing, you allow yourself to have lots of time to finish an activity. You study or exercise at a slow and steady pace without rushing.

This may not be how you usually do your school work or exercise. However, by pacing yourself, you’ll have more energy for the fun stuff like hanging out with a friend.

Some Tips for Pacing

You may find it helpful to use a timer on your phone/watch/computer for beginning and stopping your activities, so that you don’t overdo it.

Try paying attention to the ‘messages/sensations from your body such as your headache getting a lot worse or feeling a lot more tired that are telling you that you need a rest.

Remember, it is okay if your symptoms worsen a little bit and you do not necessarily need to stop the activity unless you cannot tolerate the symptom, or it is not safe (e.g., dizziness that may make you fall down) or your symptoms worsen significantly.

Severe increases in symptoms does not mean brain damage. These are messages from your body telling you to take a rest break.

Here’s an Example of Pacing for a Physical Activity

You want to get back to exercising but you haven’t done anything physical for a while. You can set a realistic goal of going for a fast-paced walk with your dog or a friend/family member or by yourself for 15 to 30 mins.

Try going for a slower walk first (even if you used to be able to sprint). While you’re doing this, check your breathing and tune into your body. If you feel fine or your symptoms only get a little bit worse, then you can gradually increase how often you go for a walk, the speed of your walk, and how long of a walk you go on. You may even be able to progress to a light job or walk/run in a few days. This physical exercise can help treat your brain and is safe as long as you avoid activities that may make you fall or get hit in the head before you have recovered.


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