Taking Care of Us
Getting the Right Information at the Right Time.
You are the key to your health. We believe that having access to the right information at the right time can empower you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage your health.

Our Story
The Adolescent Complex Concussion Clinic (AC3) was created in 2012 when we recognized that a sizable number of teens struggle with persistent post-concussion symptoms without having a dedicated team to support their recovery. Our team decided to take on the challenge with an interdisciplinary approach to managing complex health issues and the AC3 outpatient program was born. We are located within the GF Strong Rehabilitation Center. Our team provides education, self-management support, and comprehensive care to teenagers living with persistent symptoms of concussion in British Columbia and the Yukon in Canada.
For further information or for a referral to our clinic, click here.
Cori Ross, Operations Director of GF Strong Rehab Centre
Chris Palmer, Patient Service Manager for outpatient and allied health at GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre
VGH UBC GFS Foundation
GF Strong Content Developers
Catherine Chan, Registered Physiotherapist
Gina Galway, GF Strong Educator
Katie Griffin, Occupational Therapist
Louise Hazemi, Provincial Resource Teacher (G. F. Strong School Program)
Lara Heller, Recreation Therapist
Helena Jung, GF Strong Educator
Madeleine Plesko, Registered Physiotherapist
Dr. Jacqueline Purtzki, pediatric Physical Medicine specialist
Helen Salatellis, Provincial Resource Teacher (G. F. Strong School Program)
Erin Sellar, Social Worker, Master of Social Work, Registered Social Worker
Kathy Wong, Occupational Therapist
Dr. Jennifer Yao, Physiatrist, GF Strong Centre Medical Site Lead
VCH Learning and Development Team
Zach Chan, Web Developer
Michelle Lam, Visual Designer
Jean Zhai, Instructional Designer
Tammy Lee, Vocational Rehab Counsellor
Sarah Meachen, Registered Psychologist (practice in Clinical Neuropsychology)
We also would like to acknowledge past and current clients of GF Strong who have provided valuable feedback in the development of this resource.